September 8, 2010

Time Requirements:

I apologize to those of you actually looking forward to what I have to say. I give you, in appeasement, this photo of a cat, that, more likely than not, shares your sentiment.

My next post is actually quite lengthy, and I am thinking of splitting it into two shorter posts posted on two sequential days. Also the research that is going into this post is extensive. So please be patient.

Thank you too all my new followers; I look forward to hearing from all of you and having a lively discussion. Remember, as always, you input is both valued and recommended.

The future can and will be bright. Let us illuminate it together.


  1. The cat definitely shares my sentinment, I demand longer posts!

  2. @Daniel: scroll down
    @Superhero Bobblehead: I do a lot of research. so that i'm not talking out of my fanny. opinion based on fact, logic and emotion are greater than those based on only one of those
    @BigLoser and LongLiveThrash: be back tomorrow

  3. Great, I'll be looking forward to it.

  4. @Cryllis: just doing what i think is right. do you have a blog, i'll have to check it out and click around
    @:D: I'm glad, i really appreciate that

  5. just showing love :)

  6. Making friends and showing support
    follow and VIEW my blogs?

  7. I like the quote at the bottom :]

  8. Nice cat pic lol
    check my blogs for sick politics/economics
